27 mar 2010

1x21 - The reason

One of those days...

Loveless Investigations will remain closed hasta el dia en que la gente sepa apreciar su motivacion.

The reason... si, the reason. El dia q sea un supervillano quiero q me llamen asi.
Quizas ustedes no entiendan lo que quiero decir cuando digo que "no quiero ser lo que soy realmente", pero creanme, nadie quiere q lo sea realmente.
Una persona cuya realidad es solo lo certero, q solo conoce la verdad y q puede ver mas alla de lo q sus ojos inconcientemente incluso, significa conflicto, guerras y falta de consideracion... entre otras cosas
Toda mi vida he sido esto q soy, nunca me avive ni confie en mis instintos, siempre los reprimi por inseguridad, por no saber que era lo que me convenia o cual camino seria el mas correcto... pero, como todo en la vida, ya pude encontrarme, y lo q veo es una gran responsabilidad que no puedo tomar y q es mejor dejar guardada, pero q no deja de ser la realidad
Ya no tengo motivos para no aceptarla either, y ello va a ser problematico. Es cuestion de tiempo antes de que termine por consumirme, tiempo que puede pausarse y degradarse solo de una manera, "la manera"

En fin
Nada importante ha acontecido, por eso mi ausencia por estos lares.
Los ultimos importantes hechos han ocurrido la semana pasada, the Empty has lost complete influence over his target and ceased action, desaparecido basicamente. My friend and his target has been able to find her own way, a way that my senses tell me that is not the best, but anyway, she'll be safer there than here, with the Empty on the loose. Now she doesn't need me anymore, only growth awaits for her from now on. I know because I've been there...
Now that she's out of the game, the battle is between he and I, I have no tools nor party, but I have my thoughts and sense. I will be enough

By the other hand. Valentine, who had disappeared for like two weeks after being assaulted by my petitions, has returned, and that tells me a lot, but... I'm not the same, neither my way of thinking, so, it's useless for her to try anything right now, because, I don't feel happy by her side, and I need something worth. She only fills me by the moment, but I won't wait for her much longer...

Change - Poets of the fall

"You say you feel a chill in the season
Like something is falling apart
You say you can't hold it together much longer
And I should look after your heart

But I feel a change coming on
Rolling out of the blue like a storm
And it's bending your will like a willow tree twisting
Trying to regain its form

How does it make you feel
When you remember the times the two us lay here
In the arms of the world on the doorstep of heaven shining down

Do you feel a change coming on,
Rolling out of the blue like a storm,
And it's throwing your dollhouse world in disarray
So you can rebuild or conform

How I wish you'd only see
How your own choices make your dream
Come out shining true before it can leave you
I wish that you could see
How your own choices make your dream
Come out shining true all around you

My worth is the look in your eyes
My prize the smile playing tricks on your lips and I wonder again
Do you ever dream of the world like I do

I too fear the change coming on
Rolling out of the blue like a storm
Can you hear it scream at the hurt that I knew

How I wish you'd only see
How your own choices make your dream
Come out shining true before it can leave you
I wish that you could see
How your own choices make your dream
Come out shining true all around you

What is this chill at my heel
That makes the protections I've built around my pseudo world premiere
Tearing my utopian fiction apart as it happens to just pass along

I feel a change coming on
Rolling out of the blue like a storm
Crashing against my delirious thoughts where humanity's waiting alone

How I wish you'd only see
How your own choices make your dream
Come out shining true before it can leave you
I wish that you could see
How your own choices make your dream
Come out shining true all around you"


Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Success
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Success
Resurrection / Success
Valentine / Ongoing
Souless / Ongoing

9 mar 2010

1x20 - SUNiDAY Project

The Crew

Well, la nueva iniciativa impuesta por mi and Martin seems to be promising and alentante.
The year aims to be a lot harder than the last one, so, let's stay togheter and fight it back.
Aun nos quedan varias cosas por pulir, pero ya esta listo para empezar a ser aplicado on the
next sunday. Guests are always welcome, stay and show loyalty to become an oficial party member!


Volviendo a la vida. The Empty seems to be on standby, waiting to attack again and steal
her from our hands. She's fell again into his tricks and suffered a lot. Have to stop this somehow
before it's too late. have to make her again from zero...

On the other hand we have Valentine, who seems to be trying to make me believe in her again, trying to show me remorse, pero no gana nada. My heart is colder now, no siento ningun tipo de conmocion por ello...
Pero esta bien q lo intente, si no lo hiciera, podria borrarme facilmente de todas formas

No quiero hablar mucho hoy, solo estoy actualizando por q hace rato deberia haberlo hecho pero no tengo muchas ganas, por eso no extiendo. Do yourselves


Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Success
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Success
Resurrection / Success
Valentine / Ongoing
Souless / Ongoing