25 feb 2010
1x19 - Souless
Si, era obvio... habiendo comprendido finalmente esa seccion de mi vida que me tenia tan atado para poder combatirla y defenderme con propiedad, resulta que ahora la gente no tiene valores
amistosos... Viven ensimismados, egoistamente sufriendo los propios dolores q ellos mismos se generan y dañan al resto, pero no suelen tener el corazon suficiente como para ver que lo hacen, y antes de el resto estan ellos mismos, decidiendo al ser problemas creados por si mismos, q nadie es quien para involucrarse, ni siquiera cuando se intenta ayudar a los otros q salen lastimados, o a uno mismo. Esas personas parecen ser un 96% de la poblacion humana, los mismos q crean grupos en facebook titulados "odio a losq se meten en problemas ajenos, son una cagada de persona" o "ODIO A LOS QUE SE METEN EN MIS PROBLEMAS !!". Acaso no se dan cuenta q las cagadas son ustedes? ustedes q no tienen los valores suficientes como para preocuparse por la gente q los rodea? q los quiere y se preocupa por su bienestar? Acaso es mas importante estar apuñalandose contra una ventana q intentar escuchar a aquellos q se preocupan por ustedes?
ja, como pretenden tener una relacion amorosa en serio y q les funcione cuando ni siquiera saben querer a sus amigos?
Pero claro, ni cuenta se dan, se creen q como es su vida, nadie le da derecho al resto a involucrarse... Pero se equivocan, no existe la vida de nadie, la vida es una sola, es lo que hacemos colectivamente todos poniendo nuestras partes, "sus" vidas le pertenecen a todos aquellos a su alrededor, a aquellos q los quieren y tienen un lugar en si para ustedes, no a ustedes.
Asi q mejor, dejense de egoismo, y aprendan a apreciar a aquellos q se meten en "sus" vidas por q normalmente significa que alguien los quiere. Aprendan a apreciar lo q tienen en vez de estar llorando por lo que no.
varios me decepcionaron ayer, mas de 4, todos pensando de la misma manera idiota q no admito, y espero no recibir mas decepciones, por q varias me pegaron fuerte, y sinceramente, no quiero ni pensar q mis amigos carecen de ese valor. no podria volver a llamarlos amigos
Y por esta misma razon, el dia de ayer fui atentado, por aquel, aquel que formaba parte de aquel grupo, ese q le quitaba vida a esa pobre hopeless soul dandole hope y quitandosela.
Nunca me cayo bien, desde q supe de su existencia, pero su trickiness hizo q me cayera bien por esos dias. Jura madurez y altos niveles de sabiduria cuando lo unico q predica es mala vida y reparte falso valores entre gente sin estos. Es muy carismatico, por lo q se gana la confianza de cualquiera que tenga cerca y ya tiene a toda su legion, sus "amigos" q lo siguen por lo q muestra, estan todos valorizados por este. Incluso me quito a mi ex Valentine metiendole falsas ideas sobre nuestro futuro convirtiendola en lo que solia ser, por q... bueno, es joven, y esta "de joda". Mr. Maturity it's been my enemy since my friend is suffering, but now she got off his control, maybe because of somethings I said, but the fact is that he hates me for being in the middle and supporting her to leave him behind for being such an asshole.
Si quiere guerra, guerra he will have. Intelectualismo vs libertarismo. Veamos cual de los dos tiene mas q ofrecer, y es mas correcto a fin de cuentas.
Tengo q ponerle fin a sus estupideces q ya me estan sacando de quicio u.u
So, that'll be my new mission
- Keep her away from him
- Gain allies from his side
- Recover trust for that group
- Defeat him
Let's call this asshole, The Empty
In Venere Veritas - HIM
"Let's fall apart together now
Zipping cupid in a body bag well-worn
Next to the mausoleum he was born in
Picking up the pieces of this gory glory of it all
from Eve to morn
for Eve to mourn
Have no fear
There are wounds that are not meant to heal
And they sing, in venere veritas
Come inside
Let the fire burn you alive
And sing, baby sing
There are wounds that are not meant to heal at all
In venere veritas
Let's fall apart together now
There's a method to our sadness
as we drag the mirror ball and chain
Through the twilight
Again dressed up in shame
Have no fear
There are wounds that are not meant to heal
And they sing, in venere veritas
Come inside
Let the fire burn you alive
And sing, baby sing
There are wounds that are not meant to heal at all
In venere veritas
We are begging for a reflection
from an unshutted heart to blind
and chase us over the edge
Have no fear
There are wounds that are not meant to heal
And they sing, in venere veritas
Come inside
Let the fire burn you alive
And sing, baby sing
There are wounds that are not meant to heal at all
In venere veritas
These are the wounds that are not meant to heal at all
Let's fall apart together now
Let's fall apart together now"
Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Success
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Success
Resurrection / Success
Valentine / Ongoing
17 feb 2010
1x18 - Valentine
La verdad... la verdad es dolorosa y dificil de aceptar, muy dificil cuando toda tu vida estuviste siguiendo un sueño q se opone completamente a como se ve actualmente la realidad.
Como avanzar ante hechos como estos? como no simplemente bajar los brazos y dejarse vencer por el dolor insoportable de saber q nunca vas a tener aquello q siempre anhelaste?
No hay forma... seguir oponiendose a la verdad sabiendo como se mueve el mundo no te hace fuerte, ni unico, te hace debil, te desampara y te pone por debajo del resto... Cuando la vida tiene solo un camino, no es inteligente intentar crearle otro para escaparle al dolor q la misma genera, la verdadera fuerza radica en ser lo suficientemente fuerte (valga la redundancia) como para soportar el dolor y salir adelante en la vida, con la frente en alto, conociendo todos sus defectos y viviendo con ello, por q cuando la solucion solo esta en vivir, vivir es la solucion...
Las mentiras se acabaron, y si siguen existiendo, pues yo no voy a mentirme, y voy a hacer lo q me haga mas feliz, regardless a lo q suceda. "Si no podes con el enemigo, unitele" (Version uruguaya)
Bienvenido al sistema social! Donde los sueños no son mas q patrañas y niñeces!. Welcome to hell! Make yourselves at home and enjoy the sweet sweetness of being eternally unhappy! :)
Debriefing Stats: Success
*Loneliness succesfully raised back
*Secondary objetive failed
Bue... el nombre Loneliness ya no le suitea muy bien q digamos, ya q all along ha sido lo contrario, o al menos se ha ganado el derecho de ser llamada de otra manera. Valentine sounds great enough. My Valentine
New mission for myself.... yeah. Now that's she's back on business, I have to keep the enough distance to accept the new conditions that I've put myself to prevent suffering and sorrow.
Besides, the conditions are great and are the base of social normal actual life, so, I have to start living by those rules, but never forgetting Valentine's real position
Like St. Valentine - HIM
"In the name of love lost
I'm frozen to her and I want you to come
and build me a bridge soaked in gasoline
and pass the torch
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine
Like the couple from Pompeii
Our drama is put on display
along with a dove stuffed
in a coffin of glass entitled
"Love, lust and the Holy Ghost"
(Those were the days)
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine
Love is the only war worth dying for
Lift me up to knock me down
I'm all yours for now
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine"
Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Success
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Success
Resurrection / Success
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine
Like the couple from Pompeii
Our drama is put on display
along with a dove stuffed
in a coffin of glass entitled
"Love, lust and the Holy Ghost"
(Those were the days)
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine
Love is the only war worth dying for
Lift me up to knock me down
I'm all yours for now
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Hey baby, let me be your valentine
Saint Valentine
Suck the sorrow out of you and try
to keep a lie alive
Like Saint Valentine"
Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Success
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Success
Resurrection / Success
9 feb 2010
1x17 - Resurrection
Look at all those people... nobody's worth anything
I've failed again, I've failed and I've seen the truth. Fueron una serie de desencadenantes los q me hicieron ver la verdad, finalmente lo comprendo... mi research esta completa. No hay mas q necesite saber de ese sentimiento llamado "amor", es simple, es sencillo, es claro.
Que fue lo que me desperto? Que lo q siento es lo q siento y negarse a las cosas q quiero esta mal, por lo que mis acusasiones y cometidos estuvieron erroneos desde el comienzo...
Asi q por pecador, tengo q revivir a Loneliness, she must return, not only because I need her to exist si no por que ya no tengo el mismo estado que hasta hace poco, y asi como una me saco a la otra, ahora necesito el viceversa, tengo q sobrevivir a la guerra eterna a la q me atraen mis estupidos sentimientos humanos, y si para ello debo darle uso a la gente q me rodea y los genera, pues usare todos los recursos hasta q llegue el momento de la verdad.
La research me ha dejado muchas cosas, q podre expresar a medida q se necesiten. Now it's not the time
New saga
New own mission: Rise Loneliness back and keep her under control, and keep actual @ any circumstances in my life
Seems easy, but it's not. I almost can assure one objetive, but the other one it's kind complicated, but not impossible. Prevailing time. Survival of the fittest
Disarm me (With your loneliness) - HIM
"A promise of heaven pushed us right back to hell
I've failed again, I've failed and I've seen the truth. Fueron una serie de desencadenantes los q me hicieron ver la verdad, finalmente lo comprendo... mi research esta completa. No hay mas q necesite saber de ese sentimiento llamado "amor", es simple, es sencillo, es claro.
Que fue lo que me desperto? Que lo q siento es lo q siento y negarse a las cosas q quiero esta mal, por lo que mis acusasiones y cometidos estuvieron erroneos desde el comienzo...
Asi q por pecador, tengo q revivir a Loneliness, she must return, not only because I need her to exist si no por que ya no tengo el mismo estado que hasta hace poco, y asi como una me saco a la otra, ahora necesito el viceversa, tengo q sobrevivir a la guerra eterna a la q me atraen mis estupidos sentimientos humanos, y si para ello debo darle uso a la gente q me rodea y los genera, pues usare todos los recursos hasta q llegue el momento de la verdad.
La research me ha dejado muchas cosas, q podre expresar a medida q se necesiten. Now it's not the time
New saga
New own mission: Rise Loneliness back and keep her under control, and keep actual @ any circumstances in my life
Seems easy, but it's not. I almost can assure one objetive, but the other one it's kind complicated, but not impossible. Prevailing time. Survival of the fittest
Disarm me (With your loneliness) - HIM
"A promise of heaven pushed us right back to hell
Turned three sevens into three sixes again
And you laughed at my face when I told you how much it hurts
and said
Disarm me with your loneliness
Just like always before
Deceive me out of my emptiness
telling me how you love
You keep on tempting me to go on whatever the cost
To witness the prettiest flower in bloom wither to dust
So I’ll break all the rules in this endless game once called love
for you
Disarm me with your loneliness
Just like always before
Deceive me out of my emptiness
telling me how you love
me with all your heart
no more
Disarm me with your loneliness
Just like always before
Disarm me with your loneliness
Just like always before
Deceive me out of my emptiness
telling me how you love
me with all your heart
no more
(tell me how much you miss my warmth)
no more
(tell me how my kiss can change your world)
no more
(tell me how much it hurts to be alone)
No more
(Lie to me that you love me with all your heart)
No more"
Walking out of the dark side, fighting the same enemy... life's not easy, but I'm strong enough to survive it
Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Success
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Success
And you laughed at my face when I told you how much it hurts
and said
Disarm me with your loneliness
Just like always before
Deceive me out of my emptiness
telling me how you love
You keep on tempting me to go on whatever the cost
To witness the prettiest flower in bloom wither to dust
So I’ll break all the rules in this endless game once called love
for you
Disarm me with your loneliness
Just like always before
Deceive me out of my emptiness
telling me how you love
me with all your heart
no more
Disarm me with your loneliness
Just like always before
Disarm me with your loneliness
Just like always before
Deceive me out of my emptiness
telling me how you love
me with all your heart
no more
(tell me how much you miss my warmth)
no more
(tell me how my kiss can change your world)
no more
(tell me how much it hurts to be alone)
No more
(Lie to me that you love me with all your heart)
No more"
Walking out of the dark side, fighting the same enemy... life's not easy, but I'm strong enough to survive it
Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Success
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Success
3 feb 2010
1x16 - Phoenix down
Loneliness is dead. Finally, the payback it's done so, a new saga beggins
Que puedo decir? Hace rato q no aparecia por aca, fueron como unas pequeñas vacaciones que me tome para poder medir mejor algunas situaciones, las cuales aun son de mi preocupaciones, pero mas q mal, ya estan encaminadas las q no estan solucionadas.
Me he dado cuenta tambien de q realmente tengo mal el coco... algunos me acusan de creerme superior, de irrespetuoso, de inmaduro, de pendejo, pero la mejor parte, es q no me molesta el origen de sus acusaciones, ya q son las q me hacen a mi como persona, y puedo haber cambiado, pero mi esencia siempre es la misma. I'm stronger now
I'm leaving the dark side behind, my mission it's been completed successfully so, there's no more need to stay on that trails.
Now, let's retake the research and brand new missions
Debriefing Stats: Success
*Temptation abated
*Achieved to find a new home
Killing Loneliness
Debriefing Stats: Success
*Vengance successfully applied
*Closed a season
*Loneliness defeated
Se, las missions primordiales han acabado con exito. Se puede decir q ahora hay paz, y actualmente la hay, pero seguro q un mal mayor vendra, it always does -.-
Let's enjoy happiness 'til then!! :D
Night after night (out of the shadows) - The Rasmus
"Heaven sent you, to bring the answer
Heaven sent you, to cure this cancer
For a moment
Unbeatable chance
For a moment
The world in my hands
Like an angel you came
Everytime when I prayed
Guarding me in my dreams
Watching me when I sleep
Like an angel you came
Everytime when I screamed
Time after time I lose again
Night after night I wake up shaking
'Cause my world is breaking
I'm fool enough to fall again
Night after night I wake up crying
'Cause I feel like dying
Still disconnected and unprotected
Still I'm haunted but unwanted
For a moment unbreakable stars
For a moment you stayed in my arms
Like an angel you came
Everytime when I prayed
Guarding me in my dreams
Watching me when I sleep
Like an angel you came
Everytime when I screamed
Time after time I lose again
Night after night I wake up shaking
'Cause my world is breaking
I'm fool enough to fall again
Night after night I wake up crying
'Cause I feel like dying
Time after time I lose again
Night after night I wake up shaking
'Cause my world is breaking
I'm fool enough to fall again
Night after night I wake up crying
'Cause I feel like dying
(Time after time I lose again)
Night after night I wake up shaking
'Cause my world is breaking
I'm fool enough to fall again (Fool enough to fall again)
Night after night I wake up crying
'Cause I feel like dying"
Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Success
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Success
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