9 ene 2010

1x15 - Welcome to my life

oh margot, como cambian de rapido las cosas... eh?
Sinceramente no esperaba q llegase tan rapido, pero ya, con todo lo q he aprendido en este tiempo, puedo darme el lujo de acceder a cualquier cosa ya q conozco todos los riesgos y limitaciones de las relaciones amorosas. My heart is broken, yet, won't break anymore because I know what am I doing.

En fin, ahora si, Temptation queda permanentemente suspendida hasta el dia del jucio.
Va a llegar, tengo la completa certeza de q ese dia va a llegar y va a decender de su nube otra vez esa loneliness q me tenia atrapado hasta ahora. Tengo pocas chances, o la derroto, o continuo con la mision y la destruyo. Cuando llegue ese dia, es muy probable q no surta efecto, pero su presencia es maligna. Mejor enterrada y pasada u.u

Ahora, a dedicarme a mi nuevo estado :) y vacaciones, y falta de dinero u.u
y a esperar a reincorporarme al trabajo.
De mientras seguire con la research

Rising Sun - Sunrise Avenue

"Look at the rising sun
Look at the game we’re in everyone
Heaven is open for us again
Look at the road behind
Look at the miles we’ve walked, you and I
Heaven is open for us again

And it takes you and me inside its arms
And it takes you and me

You by my side I can shine
I’m complete, I’m divine
You next to me I believe
We can make it ‘til the end

Look at the road ahead
Look at the nights and days we will share
Under the sunny and the rainy skies
Look into my eyes
My heart is beating for you tonight
Heaven is open for us again

And it takes you and me inside its arms
And it takes you and me

You by my side I can shine
I’m complete, I’m divine
You next to me I believe
We can make it ‘til the end

You by my side I can shine
I’m complete, I’m divine
We can make it all the way
We can make it there
We can make it ‘tïl the end

You by my side I can shine
I’m complete, I’m divine
You next to me I believe
We can make it ‘til the end

You by my side I can shine
I’m complete, I’m divine
You next to me I believe
We can make it ‘til the end

You by my side I can shine
I’m complete, I’m divine
You next to me I believe
We can make it ‘til the end
We can make it all the way
We can make it there
We can make it ‘tïl the end"


Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / On standby
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success
Killing Loneliness / Ongoing

6 ene 2010

1x14 - Killing Loneliness

Esta jugando conmigo... se q le sirve a mi tempationess mission, pero poco a poco, se desvanece con un poco de entradas externas. Teniendo un sentimiento asi, por que quemarme tratando de alcanzar algo asi? incluso a veces se me olvida q queria lograr conseguir eso... pero para que?
Creo q nunca me cuestione eso realmente

No tengo mucho q aportar hoy. El bombeo de cosas y problemas q ocurren around me distrae facilmente, mis presentimientos han estado tranquilos y no ha ocurrido nada nocivo para mi entorno, mas q algunos q otros problemas familiares q si bien pesan, no le hacen, por q conozco sus raices y se q no se pueden cambiar

New mission? Si, Kill loneliness.
Loneliness? y si... me limita demasiado, sera lo q queria conseguir, pero puedo conseguir mas si la borro de mi medio...

Debriefing Stats: Success
*Failed to recive the minimum required of joy
*Achieved to expand collection
*Leadership leved up

Victory, aunq haya sido un dia de mierda, pude sacar cosas buenas, a las cuales les puedo sacar mas provecho ;)

Patience - Maria Mena

"Damn you for trusting me
what's wrong with you?
I'll work for nothing less.

Damn you for accepting my immaturity
when I scream for silence
child, I'll work for nothing less.

I need patience, and someone strong enough to hold my breath for me until the smoke clears.

I need patience, and time to think before I speak, for when I'm short of breath, I tend to lie.

Damn you for letting me sleep till noon
and get away with it.
I'll work for nothing less.

Damn you for keeping quiet when I like to
I won't work for anything less.

I need patience, and someone strong enough to hold my breath for me until the smoke clears.

I need patience, and time to think before I speak, for when I'm short of breath, I tend to lie.

Ahhhhh, ahhhhh, aaaah...

I need patience, and someone strong enough to hold my breath for me until the smoke clears.

I need patience, and time to think before I speak, for when I'm short of breath, I tend to lie.
I need patience, and time to think before I speak, for when I'm short of breath, I tend to lie"


Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / On standby
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success
Wonderland / Success

1 ene 2010

1x13 - Wonderland

Aca estamos, estrenando nuevo año, y esperando q sea mejor. Para recien haber comenzado, promete mucho, muchas peleas nuevas, nacimientos y romances eternos masocos, entre otras cosas, puro negro, asi q va a ser sumamente interesante observarlo. He caido en un nuevo punto, de donde surgen muchas mas, y hasta quizas he obtenido un puesto dentro de todo el combate. Va a ser toda una nueva experiencia, ademas de q toda la q ya he obtenido de a poco va demostrando ser mas q suficiente para poder afrontar a los amores inexistentes sin problema alguno. Tengo la ventaja.

Feliz año para todos, assholes, haganse dar por un burro, pero por sobre todo, ojala realmente aprendan algo con todas mis investigaciones. Yo se q nadie les da bola, pero algo de bueno tendran, mas alla de q parezcan estupidas, dan mas resultados q sus estupidas decisiones ;)

Now, as a new mission, a simple objetive, reach out a good level of joy, para comenzar las vacaciones de este año con buena propiedad y buena onda(Y)

Debriefing Stats: Success
*Achieved to be with at least one target

Victory, espero q se sigan repitiendo, y mas si son como estas (H)

Heartkiller - HIM

"Farewell heartless world,
I'll send you a postcard burnt,
In flames You've tried so hard to extinguish with the fear of failing,
I'll write down everything I have learned,
And edit it down to a single word,
For you I'm waiting, anticipating

Sparks will fly,
Beneath the luna alight,
Lazarus and Frankenstein's,
Babe I'll be a,
Flatliner for a,
A little we die,
Above the lesser light,
For you I'm open wide,
Babe I'll be a,
Flatliner for a,


Top hats off to the return,
Of the beat to lick a wound to,
Cursed for some and blessed for a few,
It doesn't have to make any sense at all,
Come hither and we'll fall,
In love
I'm crawling out of patience baby

Sparks will fly,
Beneath the luna alight,
Lazarus and Frankenstein's,
Babe I'll be a,
Flatliner for a,
A little we die,
Above the lesser light,
For you I'm open wide,
Babe I'll be a,
Flatliner for a,

Paint all your sorrows for me to sing
Draw your pain and hear me hum it out

Sparks will fly,
Beneath the luna alight,
Lazarus and Frankenstein's,
Babe I'll be a,
Flatliner for a,
A little we die,
Above the lesser light,
For you I'm open wide,
Babe I'll be a,
Flatliner for a,

Babe I'll be a,
Flatliner for a,

Babe I'll be a,
Flatliner for a,
Heartkiller "

The original target, temptation one has given signs of life. Chances are growing up.
Help me year


Mission's Status:
Destiny's bond / Failed
Temptation / Ongoing
Monarquia / Failed
Sunny day / Failed
Tempting protection / Success
Triad / Success